Michael Blancas LMT

B.S Kinesiology - Athletic Medicine
Licensed Massage Therapist (MT126930)
NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES, CPT)


Soft-tissue maintenance and optimization are integral components to living and performing pain-free. Specializing in pain management, Michael aims to alleviate immediate issues, educate the client, and suggest exercise protocol for long-term progress and success in living pain-free.

Massage Therapy

Deep Tissue Massage
[ 1 HR - $60 ] [ 1 1/2 HR - $90 ] [ 2 HR - $110 ]
Massage focused on specific goals such as pain reduction, improved of range of motion, or hastening recovery time. Common techniques include trigger point therapy, active release, IASTM.

Swedish Massage
[ 1 HR - $80 ] [ 1 1/2 HR - $120 ] [ 2 HR - $150 ]
Massage focused on relaxation and stress relief. Lighter pressure for mild or dull aches. Massage may include hands, feet, and face.

Sports Massage
[ 1/2 HR - $40 ] [ 1 HR - $60] [ 1 1/2 HR - $90]
Massage performed with the client clothed or lightly garbed for specific sports/injury related stretching and massage. Common techniques include active release, active joint mobilization, PNF stretching


Appointments/inquiries text:
(210) 294-9400
Business Hours:
Monday - Saturday 10:00AM - 8:30PM
Sunday 12:00PM - 10:00PM